Love all that you do, do all that you love.
me and my baby girl

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Monday, May 16, 2011
We all need each other
It is my contention that we as people, human beings do for dogs, cats, birds anything else but each other.How is it that your neighbor can lye dead in her home over a year and nobody take note? This happened last month to a one time "star" We have people some have dedicated their whole life to bringing happiness to others yet can not pay a grocery bill.Look about your neighbor, see if there is anything you can do to help the person < person< right in front of you.Don't reach around, reach out." Love your neighbor as yourself." Love and Light
Friday, May 13, 2011
What I quit
This is the thing< I'm fifty years old now FIFTY. I"ve raised three children AND I'm a grand mother. First of all> Secondly I love what I do so very much to compromise is is to say it"s not of GOD. There is no compromise where as GOD is concerned. His gifts should be cherished and I do cherish what GOD has given me, the message he has entrusted me to deliver.Oh I have taken many things forgranted where as my gift is concerned. I"ve even pimped my potential. But now being of sound mind and body and voice. I stand erect as a seventeen year old's member. There was a time when I don"t know but I'm gonna give room just in case I ever gave reason to be treated like a 50 cent slave.there was a time ( perhaps when I was a single black mother with 3 children to feed, clothe, educate and love) there might have been a tome when I did anything to bring home the bacon.But that time is over. OVER! I can not continue to go on the road and stay in substandard hotels where ANYTHING can happen to me, I can not be driven around in cars that stop on the side of the road, I can not bring staff such as band, assistants, road manager,etc.. and not pay them because the promoter didn"t pay me.I will not have promoters sit and have conversations with me about what they have heard about me and why they almost didn"t bring me in town, I will not pay my own hotel, air and food or take a shuttle to the hotel. I'm NOT gonna do ANY of that NOT ANTY ANTY of it.So I'm not going out doing shows anymore.I am grateful for everyone that has expressed support and or concern. I'd like you to know I'm good. I love you and if anything changes I will let you know. Love and Light
Monday, February 7, 2011
In looking over the success and non-success of people. I find support to be essential..with support even jello can stand!Without support walls fall apart.In order to achieve any goal one MUST have support.Support comes in many forms. It's often verbal , a cheerleader can spur a team on when all seems lost. The stage mom's yelling "you can do it baby!" The financial backer, one who puts his own money to support a common goal,The friend-s without friends it's known we live shorter lives .Nothing like the support of a friend.The bottom line to support is "Belief
' Belief in an individuals ability to accomplish a goal. You can believe in yourself all you want and it IS necessary to believe in yourself, but it's just as important someone believes in you AND supports you in some way.Yes loves we all need each other. Welcome and except support. Love and Light Mik.
' Belief in an individuals ability to accomplish a goal. You can believe in yourself all you want and it IS necessary to believe in yourself, but it's just as important someone believes in you AND supports you in some way.Yes loves we all need each other. Welcome and except support. Love and Light Mik.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Seek and you shall find
Often the quote "seek and ye shall find." is used to denote a negative warning.Many men in particular say this when they've been caught with their hand in ..." The cookie jar".In general it gives images of Pandora's box.oh yes and the "be careful what you ask for." I say Seek and you will find what you are looking for.That's the result.It's all about what you seek. Seek love and you shall find it. Ask for happiness and you shall have it. Yet adversity steeped in the steamy waters of jealousy.Try to make the words meant to encourage, a slickly worded caution. The truth is " SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND"." ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN". Who's your father? God.and He has it for you, seek him and ask for him for what ever.. Love and Light Mik
Monday, January 24, 2011
The eyes have it
My grand daughter's eyes are now so expressive. Seems since she was born we had a special bond, one completely brand new to me, but lovely and strong. My baby Grand as I like to call her is a grand gift indeed. Amanda Michelle named after me, well sorta, well I named her! Any way she is six years old now and when she looks at me I see everything I want to be..this one trust me, adores me, admires me, believes in me and loves me for all of those that didn't.My grand daughters eyes say right away weather or not she likes you and even why,My baby Grand's eyes tell me when I'm wrong.She doesn't even have to be present , I'll see her eyes before a risky move .I see her eyes right now saying"gee Ma,I love you so much!" What's better than that? Love and Light MIk
I fly above
I love to watch the real housewives of Atlanta, even though none of them are married.The young lady Candy is a superb writer/producer, There is this song she sings "I fly above all the drama".On first listen I thought how very positive, I do too, I fly above.BUT for some reason I kept feeling like no...I don't fly above it ...I fly right past it, I hate drama, even though I'm called a drama Queen , I hate it, unless it's on TV,But when I am pushed to the point of having to bring DRAMA>>> call me Bette Davis.I will do whatever it takes to have truth in my home, I fight the world and it's lies everyday I will NOT be put asunder in my own home or the skin I'm in.I love not violence nor loud out burst but I will tear this ---- up To have the truth in my own home.How you gon' lie to me and about me at the same time? I will have truth in my home.Everyday I am challenged by my past and the lies people tell on me, causes me sometimes to lose work ,but in my HOME I will have the truth..FUNNY THING ABOUT THE TRUTH, IT HURTS SO GOOD.!THE TRUTH IS THE LIGHT. LOVE AND LIGHT MiK
Saturday, January 22, 2011
" In all of your getting get an understanding." Something James Cleveland used to say a lot. From the Bible I believe. I've always tried to do just that,get an understanding. What I find is "an understanding' makes me way to patient.Oh yeah that comes with understanding.." patience is a virtue." Something we all must have are virtues. Especially us women.( right?) What we need is a good mind to do exactly what is right all of the time. I don't mean what's right for the masses. I mean what's right TO you , FOR you and WITH you." you are condemned by your own thoughts." also a bible quote. " I have never seen the rightous forsaken.' You don't have to understand to do what's right , you just DO it. Logic comes into play way more than ever is mentioned "Keep your wits about you." Have a goal and focus on it. Keep your blinders on.,dare not to understand the unreasonable, waste no time on the blind, and most of all walk in the light of love.This surpasses "Understanding
' Love and light Mik
' Love and light Mik
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