me and my baby girl

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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Where are you from?
I've been so many places, I won't say all over the world cause I have not been all over yet.But I have traveled far and wide.While on my travels I have found we really are the same. Oh I know you've heard this many times , the thing is I have seen there really is a place for everybody.There is a place where you will find people just like you that do what you do ,love what you love, etc... the place for me like that is Moscow! WOO HOO Vodka, red meat, cheeses,night clubs,,,,snow ...I could indulge my worse passions til I die. Then I know why I was born when,where I was born. God knows best. :Where are you from?
Friday, November 19, 2010
Who to be and how to be
Everybody telling me who to be and how to be and what's wrong with me and how irt should be,yada yada yada. Personally I welcome a crucial critic (meaning one who only says something when it is really needed.) If it doesn't matter, it DON'T madda! I've live all my life doing just as I pleased,it mostly pleased me to please others.. That's the thing, entertainers ARE people pleasers with great big ego's.. The ego is what allows you to go on stage without fear,It excites you.Sometimes it causes one to behave badly,it's then others want to interfere,interject their diagnosis.I wonder what the world would be like if the very ones we love to watch, look at ,listen to,hate etc... had let someone talk them out of their ego?Their courage to go forth against the advice of others?I wonder if everyone took all the advice they were ever given what would happen? lol so what's the motive behind the advice I
've found this question very handy" Why are you telling me this?" the answer should be 'Because you need to know." Not the "Because I love you."'s simply "Because you need to know.
' take it or leave it do with it what you may. If it is indeed because you need to know, and you decide not to heed the warning, advice etc.. the consiquences arrive and your critic/ adviser is still there going through it with you, no ill words, You indeed have a crucial critic. :) .
've found this question very handy" Why are you telling me this?" the answer should be 'Because you need to know." Not the "Because I love you."'s simply "Because you need to know.
' take it or leave it do with it what you may. If it is indeed because you need to know, and you decide not to heed the warning, advice etc.. the consiquences arrive and your critic/ adviser is still there going through it with you, no ill words, You indeed have a crucial critic. :) .
It's lonely at the top
While talking with some peers today, I discovered we all have the same issues.We are all on the grind and playing against time.we spoke about the out personal relationships and how hard it is for people to understand what actually goes on in show business.How most are leaches.They disguise them self's so well,extremely well.It's almost impossible to discern the true motive.This coupled with the fact performers never have time to cultivate new relationships.Most times you become friends with the employees.That ends when the tour is over.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My broken heart
When I first found I was pregnant 30 years ago, i was so excited,I thought finally will have my own little family.HA! My then "baby daddy' Told me to abort,my friends held an intervention and my sisters thought I was ruining my life. Well I did just as I thought I should,I gave birth to a multitude of feelings.I've never tried as hard or cared as much or been more selfless.I thought about every crumb that went into the mouth of my child.Everything that went into the mind I molded and created a life for my little lov. i enjoyed being a parent so much I had two more.(that's smart). Oh my life was quite full with much love,I hardly even noticed that I was knocking down brick cielings and jumping hertals carring three sacks of potatoes.Well now they are all grown up 29.26, youngest did the I love my dad too thing,How could I say he's no good / She didn't choose him I did. I had to watch what I could not stop.He was her hero when I was the one that slayed the dragon.My 26 year old got married @ 22 I love his intentions but I am always concerned about his working so hard and all of the things that come with wife and baby so young.My 29 year old I have no words...I often think My children do not know me at all..How could the source of so much joy be the same source of pain.This stuff no one can avoid, all of our children will do things that break our hearts.Just imagine Satan was GOD'S SON> .
Monday, November 8, 2010
Please God.
Funny thing how when you are in the thick of something bad, we pray "PLEASE GOD..." . In that crying out we try to live closer to his will, pray and read up on his moral standards.Thinking our sudden changes are permanent. Ha! :) In the mean time God says ,yes dear what is it you need? And because he is a wonderful father . He gives us that special one on one personal attention. Soon you're all better and must ,shall we say go back to school. Our lives.things get back to normal, making dinner, hollering at the kids, overdrawing my bank account....Oh anyway.When the night comes and every one is sleep remember the time you spent close to the father and miss him.Sometimes I used think I saw him here or there and I'd go running to him and it's not. father.But I know better now,GOD IS LOVE.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Feeling my oats
Six weeks into my 50th year I'm feeling my oats, just a bit.I have new mantra's and old sayings that I know are true, For I've tried and tested them they have me.:) oddly enough I'm learning to put me first, for real! I never have before. I was a selfish child and my mother made it a point to rid me of that.She over did it. One day I'll tell you about a particular Christmas. Any who, I'm also learning I have obviously over come some BAD stuff! I thought not much of.Oh I have been pissed beyond belief and I've had a hundred pitty parties ooooooooo I got high and low,the thing is I never knew it wasn't happening to you too. I'm learning my experiences were unique and in themselves inspiring, Everytime I came through one thing my faith was renewed in God and all that he has given. If nothing else I'm learning Im everything I 've always wanted to be, a perfectly wonderful me!.
Can't tell people anything
I say and have heard 'I can show you better than I can tell you.' I have tried to tell my children things to keep them safe, strong, secure and well. Do they listen? Humm? I have told my girl friends about their no good dirty boyfriends do they listen? hum? I have tried to tell close friends this one or that one is on dope. Do they listen? Hum?Now I just don't say a thing. life can show you better than I can tell. I hate my words to fall on death ears. Why do people live as if they don't have to face tomorrow? It's more than I can understand.If you don't live to get old you will die young..n so not only should we save up monies for tomorrow we should also store up love. That is one thing you, me and we will always need. Invest in love.Give when you have not, go when you would not, be patient when you have non, be humble 'long suffering and kind...' Your witness is in heaven!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Miki Howard "Unsung"
Wow it is super exciting to have my life out for everyone to see.The whole time my life has been going on I thought something was different. but you know this is my first time and all I knew was what I was shown.Like a child born in France is French.I find the things my great grandmother taught me way back when I was a tot are the things that I leaned on to get me through the worst of times.My Madaer took me to church constantly in Menphis&;Her faith in God was astounding.there was no reading I don't thing she could read.It was a genuine, real relationship with God.She passed that to me,and no matter what I have maintained my faith in God,I believed he was watching me.Many times I know he was watching me. i know he came to places he does not go,just to pick me up,I know he saw me diasapoint myself and yet told me I could never disapoint him because he knows my heart. I know he will wash you white as snow.I feel like a child that played in the mud and mommy put in a warm tub, fed red beans and rice with fried chicken and corn bread! thank you.Miki
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