me and my baby girl

me and my baby girl
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Monday, February 7, 2011


In looking over the success and non-success of  people. I find support to be essential..with support even jello can stand!Without support walls fall apart.In order to achieve any goal one MUST have support.Support comes in many forms. It's often verbal , a cheerleader can spur a team on when all seems lost. The stage mom's yelling "you can do it baby!" The financial backer, one who puts his own money to support a common goal,The friend-s without friends it's known we live shorter lives  .Nothing like the support of a friend.The bottom line to support is "Belief
' Belief in an individuals ability to accomplish a  goal. You can believe in yourself all you want and it IS  necessary to believe in yourself, but it's just as important someone believes in you AND supports you in some way.Yes loves we all need each other. Welcome and except support. Love and Light Mik.